I have always imagined what it would be like to live in a world where only blessings, only words of kindness or gratitude or praise, would come out of people’s mouths. If only for a year, or a month, or even a day, we could be granted this wish, so that people could realize the power of positive words, and learn the art of blessings in place of curses.
Of course, I say “if only” when I witness children being not so nice to other children, bullying them with words, even if not with action. I also say “if only” when I watch people in day-to-day lives, at the grocery store or on the highway or at a restaurant, speaking negatively toward others instead of sharing words of blessing.
But this year, I say “if only” regarding our great American political arena. Regardless of which side of the political aisle you fall on, our political stages have become nasty. The language from all sides has been painful to hear. I truly say: if only there was a modern day Balaam who could magically cause all of our politicians to only share words of blessing, of education, of vision and of idea. Our American political system is created so there can be differing opinions, and they are to be respected. But politics should not be a rated R event, and what I wouldn’t give for a little taste of Balaam’s blessings from our great leaders of today.
As Balaam said to the Israelites: "Ma Tovu - How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling places O Israel."
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Bravo