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Rabbi Deborah K. Bravo
91 Joyce Lane
Woodbury, NY 11797 347.351.4272 c |
Experience as Rabbi
2015-Present Founder, Rabbi and Spiritual Leader
Makom NY: A New Kind of Jewish Community, Long Island, NY
2012-2015 Senior Rabbi, North Shore Synagogue, Syosset, NY
2006-2012 Rabbi, Temple Emanu-El, Edison, NJ
2001-2006 Associate Rabbi, Director of Religious Education
Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, Short Hills, NJ
1998-2001 Assistant Rabbi, Washington Hebrew Congregation, Washington, DC
Experience with Formal and Informal Education / Teaching
2000-2015 Faculty, NFTY Summer Israel and Eastern Europe Trip, Camps Harlam, Crane Lake
and 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy
1998-2012 Regional Rabbinic Advisor, NFTY - Garden Empire and Mid-Atlantic Regions
1993-1996 Director, Cincinnati Reform Jewish High School, Cincinnati, OH
Directed school for over 225 high school students from four Reform congregations
1995-1996 Day School Teacher, Yavneh Day School, Cincinnati, OH
Summers Staff Unit Head, Unit Head, Counselor:
1987-1995 URJ Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Summers Teen Experience Coordinator, Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish
1994,1995 Education (CAJE), Bloomington, Indiana and Amherst, Massachusetts
2008-2011 New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Courses in Fundraising and Development
2005 Reform Jewish Educator (RJE) Title
Granted by National Association of Temple Educators
June 1998 Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, OH
Rabbinic Ordination, Masters of Arts in Hebrew Letters
Rabbinical Thesis: The Relationship Between Teacher and Student in the Yeshivah Model:
Past, Present and Future.
1996-1997 Chaplain Intern, Jewish Hospitals of Cincinnati
Participated in chaplaincy program through HUC-JIR and Jewish Hospitals.
1993-1995 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Master of Education, concentrating in administration and supervision, with emphasis on
educational counseling. Graduated with honors.
1991 Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and Jewish and Near Eastern Studies.
Dean’s list. Semester abroad at Haifa University.
2016-2017 Participant, Rabbis Without Borders Cohort, CLAL
2012-2015 Member, Action Learning Teams, Advancing Women Professionals
2008-Present Executive Committee Member and Member, New York Board of Rabbis
2008-Present Rabbinic Partner, Big Tent Judaism (Formerly Jewish Outreach Institute)
2013-2015 Programming Vice President, CCAR Board of Trustees
2013 Teacher, New York Board of Rabbis, Summer Sermon Seminar
2012 Article, eJewishphilanthropy, NJ Jewish News, “Liberals Are That Way Too?”
2007-2012 Co-Chair and Member, CCAR Convention Program Committee
Chaired National Convention in 2012 in Boston.
2011 Chair, WRN National Convention in Long Beach, NJ
2011 Member, HUC-JIR, NY, Admissions Committee
2009-2011 President, New Jersey West Hudson Valley – Association of Reform Rabbis
2009-2010 Member, NFTY Strategic Planning Committee
2005-2009 Member, URJ Junior/Senior High School Committee
2008-2010 President, Metuchen-Edison Area Interfaith Clergy
2009 Author, Chapter in URJ’s Tot Shabbat Handbook: A Practical Guide for Engaging Young
Families in Congregational Life, “Essentials in Conducting Tot Shabbat”.
2005-2009 Presenter, URJ ‘s National Biennial in Toronto, ON and Houston, TX
URJ/NATE Symposium on Adolescence
2008 Article, Women’s Rabbinic Network Newsletter, Issue on Health Concerns
“When Hello Means Goodbye: Issues of Loss at Birth”
2007-2012 Member, Jewish Federation of Middlesex County, Endowment Committee
2007-2009 Member, Women’s Rabbinic Network Board of Directors, HUC-JIR New York Liaison
2005-2009 Teacher, NFTY National Conventions
2005 Article, URJ Torah at the Center, Issue on Adolescence
“Open Your Heart, Open Their Minds: Connecting with Today’s Teens”
2005 Member, Partnering Communities and Teen Task Forces, Metrowest JCC
2004 Presenter, 1st Annual ECC Educator Conference in New York, N
2015-Present Founder, Rabbi and Spiritual Leader
Makom NY: A New Kind of Jewish Community, Long Island, NY
- Created in partnership with volunteers a new kind of community, one without walls that is primarily geared toward the unaffiliated and disengaged Jews on Long Island
- Vision, plan and implement all aspects of this community as entrepreneurial rabbi
- Create new and different partnerships in the greater community
- “Find Jews” in unusual ways and through different means, including outreach via funeral homes, grocery stores, gyms and more
- Create and lead intentional worship in multiple sacred spaces, facilitate adult study and children’s learning, fundraise in order to give Makom NY financial stability
- Meet specific needs of a variety of Jews, including interfaith, young adults, college students, families with children with special needs, singles, empty nesters and more
2012-2015 Senior Rabbi, North Shore Synagogue, Syosset, NY
- Served as Senior Rabbi of 700-family Reform congregation
- Supervised senior staff, including Associate Rabbi, Cantors, Director of Lifelong Learning, Director of Youth Engagement and Nursery School Director
- Worked in partnership with executive director and leadership of congregation to vision and plan for changing landscape of Jewish community
- Planned and implemented worship, adult, youth and family learning, pastoral needs, social justice activities, membership and marketing events
- Re-imagined role of congregation in greater Jewish and secular community
- Brought dynamic and energetic team of staff together to move forward with vision
- Enhanced worship to reach congregants of all ages, with a weekly full sanctuary
- Worked weekly with B’nai Mitzvah students, confirmation students, adult learners, including finding a place for all kinds of learners within the community
- Planned and implemented Shabbat and holiday services; overseeing worship activities
- Worked intensely in 2012-13 to solidify the merger of Temple Beth Elohim with North Shore Synagogue, completed July 2013, bringing 162 new families
- Brought Judaism to people and built relationships by opening my home to hundreds of congregants for Shabbat and holiday celebrations
- Created relationship with 175 nursery school students and their families through weekly Shabbat experiences and Tot Shabbat service and craft
- Participated in religious school regularly, building relationships with students and families; re-desiged weekly t’fillah, chats with rabbi, family programs and more
- Led intergenerational trip to Israel, first one in many years, with 5 b’nai mitzvah
2006-2012 Rabbi, Temple Emanu-El, Edison, NJ
- Served as solo Rabbi at 250-family Reform congregation
- Brought new energy and excitement to members of congregation and greater community through changing worship, increased visibility and clearer vision
- Supervised staff and partnered with lay leaders regularly
- Reinvigorated worship: created well-attended musical services on Fridays and Saturdays; family, tot and healing services
- Re-imagined High Holy Day services, added tot services and created “big tent”
- Enhanced Selichot services: joined with greater Jewish community, for evening of song and prayer, with over 150 in attendance annually
- Organized and taught adult B’nai Mitzvah classes, conversion classes, weekly lunch n’learn and Shabbat morning Torah study
- Pastored to aging congregation through counseling and hospital visits.
- Introduced congregation to live musical experiences, including Debbie Friedman, Craig Taubman, Danny Maseng, Peri Smilow, Rick Recht, Dan Nichols
- Enhanced congregation’s relationship with Israel, leading first 3 congregational Israel trips within 4 years; led the congregation in a pilot program through ARZA
- Worked to enhance an already active social action agenda, including a 5-day Mitzvah Mission to New Orleans with 44 individuals from 10-80 years old.
- Collaborated with URJ and Greenfaith, an interfaith environment organization, to become certified green congregation after 2 years of audits, study and planning.
- Provided interfaith learning to Temple community, including pulpit exchanges and dialogue; participated in all community-wide interfaith programming.
- Re-designed Chai School program for 8th-12th graders, introducing NFTY, RAC L’taken weekends, leading congregational teen Israel trip and URJ Camps, thereby increasing post B’nai Mitzvah retention to up to 80%
2001-2006 Associate Rabbi, Director of Religious Education
Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, Short Hills, NJ
- Served as Rabbi and Rabbi Educator at 1100-family suburban Reform congregation
- Organized and taught Adult B’nai Mitzvah, senior classes and Torah study
- Reinvigorated Temple’s annual Mitzvah Day, with over 600 participants annually
- Restructured membership committee and worked continually to seek prospective members, welcome new members, retain long-time members and interfaith families
- Helped congregation transition to new Senior Rabbi, Educator, Executive Director and Experiential Education Coordinator, assisted with marketing, administration
- Oversaw certain scholarships, funds and development opportunities
- Created and taught in 7-4-7 program for 7th graders and Chai School program for 8th-12th grades, including confirmation and post-confirmation, hosted at own home
- Established early childhood programming including Hebrew language classes, monthly Tot Shabbat service and family programs attended by hundreds.
- Participated with clergy team in all aspects of life cycle, pastoral work, worship, family programs and education, and as liaison to committees and auxiliaries.
- Wrote new curriculum for religious school of 400 students from kindergarten through 10th grade; restructured Hebrew program with new books and goals
- Supervised and guided 35 teachers of all grades; hired and oversaw youth director
- Led weekly services for all students; taught Parashat HaShavua
- Proposed and managed budget for entire education program
- Created and implemented family Shabbat dinners and services, grade-level family programs, including adult education components; restructured holiday programs
- Taught, coordinated and restructured 10th grade Confirmation program, including trips to Washington DC and Jewish New York City
- Wrote, created and directed “Children’s Voices of Healing”, a video with Debbie Friedman and religious school students, distributed to those who were homebound
1998-2001 Assistant Rabbi, Washington Hebrew Congregation, Washington, DC
- Served as rabbi at 3000-family urban Reform congregation.
- Taught Adult B’nai Mitzvah class, Confirmation class, city-wide URJ Introduction to Judaism course, weekly Bible class and Torah study, lectured for adults and community
- Partnered as liaison to sisterhood; led monthly Rosh Chodesh services and discussions; created first annual Women’s Seder with Debbie Friedman
- Facilitated programs for Young Professionals and middle-age singles
- Designed and implemented holiday celebrations, creative Shabbat services, Tu B’Shevat Seder, Rosh Hashanah Family Service and Havdalah for day school
- Created and facilitated new Kabbalat Shabbat monthly family program and service
- Collaborated with development director in securing funding for youth programs
- Supervised first full time youth director and entire informal youth program
- Initiated and organized post Confirmation program for 11th and 12th graders
- Created and coordinated full-weekend retreats for eighth and ninth grade students
- Participated in all aspects of life cycle events; led services, preached and taught; regularly visited congregants in hospitals and counseled those in need.
Experience with Formal and Informal Education / Teaching
2000-2015 Faculty, NFTY Summer Israel and Eastern Europe Trip, Camps Harlam, Crane Lake
and 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy
1998-2012 Regional Rabbinic Advisor, NFTY - Garden Empire and Mid-Atlantic Regions
1993-1996 Director, Cincinnati Reform Jewish High School, Cincinnati, OH
Directed school for over 225 high school students from four Reform congregations
1995-1996 Day School Teacher, Yavneh Day School, Cincinnati, OH
Summers Staff Unit Head, Unit Head, Counselor:
1987-1995 URJ Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Summers Teen Experience Coordinator, Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish
1994,1995 Education (CAJE), Bloomington, Indiana and Amherst, Massachusetts
2008-2011 New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Courses in Fundraising and Development
2005 Reform Jewish Educator (RJE) Title
Granted by National Association of Temple Educators
June 1998 Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, OH
Rabbinic Ordination, Masters of Arts in Hebrew Letters
Rabbinical Thesis: The Relationship Between Teacher and Student in the Yeshivah Model:
Past, Present and Future.
1996-1997 Chaplain Intern, Jewish Hospitals of Cincinnati
Participated in chaplaincy program through HUC-JIR and Jewish Hospitals.
1993-1995 Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Master of Education, concentrating in administration and supervision, with emphasis on
educational counseling. Graduated with honors.
1991 Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and Jewish and Near Eastern Studies.
Dean’s list. Semester abroad at Haifa University.
2016-2017 Participant, Rabbis Without Borders Cohort, CLAL
2012-2015 Member, Action Learning Teams, Advancing Women Professionals
2008-Present Executive Committee Member and Member, New York Board of Rabbis
2008-Present Rabbinic Partner, Big Tent Judaism (Formerly Jewish Outreach Institute)
2013-2015 Programming Vice President, CCAR Board of Trustees
2013 Teacher, New York Board of Rabbis, Summer Sermon Seminar
2012 Article, eJewishphilanthropy, NJ Jewish News, “Liberals Are That Way Too?”
2007-2012 Co-Chair and Member, CCAR Convention Program Committee
Chaired National Convention in 2012 in Boston.
2011 Chair, WRN National Convention in Long Beach, NJ
2011 Member, HUC-JIR, NY, Admissions Committee
2009-2011 President, New Jersey West Hudson Valley – Association of Reform Rabbis
2009-2010 Member, NFTY Strategic Planning Committee
2005-2009 Member, URJ Junior/Senior High School Committee
2008-2010 President, Metuchen-Edison Area Interfaith Clergy
2009 Author, Chapter in URJ’s Tot Shabbat Handbook: A Practical Guide for Engaging Young
Families in Congregational Life, “Essentials in Conducting Tot Shabbat”.
2005-2009 Presenter, URJ ‘s National Biennial in Toronto, ON and Houston, TX
URJ/NATE Symposium on Adolescence
2008 Article, Women’s Rabbinic Network Newsletter, Issue on Health Concerns
“When Hello Means Goodbye: Issues of Loss at Birth”
2007-2012 Member, Jewish Federation of Middlesex County, Endowment Committee
2007-2009 Member, Women’s Rabbinic Network Board of Directors, HUC-JIR New York Liaison
2005-2009 Teacher, NFTY National Conventions
2005 Article, URJ Torah at the Center, Issue on Adolescence
“Open Your Heart, Open Their Minds: Connecting with Today’s Teens”
2005 Member, Partnering Communities and Teen Task Forces, Metrowest JCC
2004 Presenter, 1st Annual ECC Educator Conference in New York, N

rabbi_bravos_resume.pdf | |
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