For many years, I have been contemplating how best to share my voice, to express my opinions, primarily as a rabbi, but certainly as a mother, wife, feminist and Jew as well. Since I was ordained a rabbi from Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, OH in 1998, I have primarily used sermons and newsletters as a vehicle to share my thoughts. However, in today’s society, it is all to clear to me just how limited those audiences might be, and how important it is for me to share thoughts on a variety of topics. I hope after reading my blog posts, you will sometimes say to yourselves: Bravo, Rabbi Bravo! And even when you are not impressed, or even in agreement, I hope you will comment and share your own perspectives, and wait for my response.
I intend to share with you topics closest to my heart: Israel, Feminism, Jewish leadership, Community building in the 21st century, parenting, education and much more. I’m certain that as I open the gates to write, there will be much to say.
This blog is symbolic of much of the work of my rabbinate, as I have embraced building bridges within each of my communities and beyond; making connections with individuals, families and communities, and finding sunshine even during the most challenging of times. My voice has evolved as I have evolved as a person, a woman, a rabbi, a wife, a mother and a Jew.
If you like my thoughts, or share my challenges and questions, I encourage you to re-post, fb, tweet or simply share with your friends and family as well.
We Jews are a people of the book, but today’s books are simply words we find and share with others, words I hope worthy of a rabbi who cares of Jews, children, Torah and learning. May we travel this journey of opinion, action and response together! May we build more bridges, make new connections, and always find the sunshine that exists behind every cloud!
Rabbi Debbie Bravo