"Adonai will bless you and protect you!
Adonai will deal kindly with you and be gracious unto you!
Adonai will bestow favor upon you and grant you peace!" (Numbers 6:24-26)
Our world today is unpredictable and often scary. The events of this past week in Orlando cause us to both fear for our children and fear for the the kind of world in which we now live. We must concern ourselves with matters of safety, matters of equality, fairness and kindness, and the danger of guns in inappropriate hands, in inappropriate places at inappropriate times.
So we turn to our words of Torah for guidance and for meaning. This week, we are given perhaps the most simple yet powerful series of blessings. We recite this blessing when babies are born, when we celebrate with B'nai Mitzvah and Wedding Couples, and simply when we bless our children each and every Shabbat.
In a world filled with pain and turmoil, we must seek out opportunities be grateful, and thankful - times to feel blessed. And we must bless one another, and continue to count our blessings, each and every day.
This week, I feel blessed for the gift of life.
I feel blessed to be free to act and believe as I choose.
I feel blessed to be surrounded by family and friends.
I feel blessed to be part of an incredible new community that brings blessing, warmth, kindness and wholeness to one another and to our world each and every day.
After a horrible week such as this one, we must each count our blessings,
we must each use our voices to speak out for truth and right,
and then we must once again, share in our blessings.
Shabbat Shalom and Happy Anniversary to Makom NY!
Hope to see tonight in the Park!
Rabbi Bravo